Bangladesh Botanical Society was established in 1972. Professor Dr. Md. Abul Bashar is the present President and Professor Dr. Ashfaque Ahmed is the current Secretary General of the society. The total number of members is over 2975 of which 541 are life members. The society is regularly publishing popular articles in one issue of Bengali journal named "Udvid Barta" and scientific articles in four issues of Bangladesh Journal of Botany.
(Bangladesh J. Bot.)
Vol. 33
No. 1
2004 June
C.B. Thapa and P.K. Jha
Effects of herbicides and manual weeding on the yield of transplanted rice (Oryza sativa L.)
Mustafa Temel and Cumhur Haldun Yardimci
Phytoplankton community of Poyrazlar and Taskisi lakes, Adapazari, Turkey
A. Tanveer, N.H. Chaudhry, M. Ayub and R. Ahmad
Effects of cultural and chemical weed control methods on weed population and yield of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)
Akbar Ali Chemma, Muhammad Ashraf, Babar Manzoor Atta and G.R. Tahir
Response of Basmati rice to gamma rays for induction of mutation
Eyup Bagci Yalcm Karaagach and Ludger Brauehl
Fatty acid and Tocochromanol patterns of Turkish Pinus L. (Pinaceae)
Khurshida Banu-Fattah and Syed Hadiuzzaman
Acrocarpous mosses of Bangladesh X: Family Bryaceae, Genus Pohlia Hedw
Moniruzzaman Khondker, Z.N. Tahmida Begum and Md. Almujaddade Alfasane
Growth and regeneration of Neptunia natans (L. F.) Druce and Euryale ferox Salisb
M.L. Das, S.M. Rejaul Kabir, S. Begum and Z.U. Ahmed
Radio-sensitivity and selection of elite mutants of mungbean (Vigna radiata [L.] Wilczek)
Lutfi Pirlak and M. Guleryuz
Determination of pollen quality and quantity in some currant species (Ribes spp.) from Turkey
Md. Enamul Haque, T. Das, A.R. Gomosta and M.M. Haque
Combining ability analysis for root length, diameter and number in upland rice (Oryza sativa L.)
Short Communications
Madhumita J. Mukhopadhyay, Papiya Sengupta, Sandip Mukhopadhyay and Sumitra Sen
Comparative study of plant regeneration from semi-solid and suspension cultures of Allium cepa L. and A. sativum L.
S.M. Bokhtiar
Interrelation of soil and plant factors with sugar accumulation and maturity of sugarcane and ratoon
D. Paul and P.K. Basu
Effects of irrigation on root and alkaloid yields of Rauvolfia serpentina (L.) Benth. Ex. Kruz
Rokeya Begum, N. Begum and M.A. Zaman
Karyomorphology and meiotic behaviour of Gerbera viridifolia Bailey
Hosne Ara, Pavel Partha and Md. Abul Hassan
Caladium bicolor (Aiton) Ventenat (Araceae) - A new angiospermic record for Bangladesh
The Society gratefully acknowledges the financial support received from the Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh and the University of Dhaka towards the publication of this Journal.