Bangladesh Botanical Society was established in 1972. Professor Dr. Md. Abul Bashar is the present President and Professor Dr. Ashfaque Ahmed is the current Secretary General of the society. The total number of members is over 2975 of which 541 are life members. The society is regularly publishing popular articles in one issue of Bengali journal named "Udvid Barta" and scientific articles in four issues of Bangladesh Journal of Botany.
(Bangladesh J. Bot.)
Vol. 43
No. 3
2014 December
Olcay Dinc Dusen, Betul Gurcan and Ramazan Mammadov
Morphology, anatomy and palynology of endemic Cyclamen mirabile Hildebr. (Primulaceae) in South-west Turkey
Shumaila Yaseen and Anjum Perveen
Pollinia morphology to some members of Asclepiadaceae of Pakistan
Gyanendra Kumar Rai, Rajesh Kumar, Ranjeet Ranjan Kumar and Sheetal Dogra
Free radicals scavenging -antioxidant phytochemicals in cherry tomato (Solanum lycopersicon var. ceresiforme (Dunal) A. Gray)
Md Tariqul Islam
Effects of defoliation on photosynthesis, dry matter production and yield in soybean
Mehmet Bayirli, Selami Selvi and Ugur Cakilcioglu
Determining different plant leaves’ fractal dimensions: A new approach to taxonomical study of plants
M Rahman, S Gul, M Ajmal, A Iqbal and AKK Achakzai
Removal of cadmium from aqueous solutions using excised leaves of Quetta pine (Pinus halepensis Mill.)
Tasso Yatung, Rakesh KR Dubey, Vikas Singh, Garima Upadhyay and AK Pandey
Selection parameters for fruit yield and related traits in chilli (Capsicum annuum L.)
Y Bakiş and MT Babaç
Morphological variability of acorns and its taxonomic significance in Quercus L. from Turkey
Md Saidur Rahman and Hamida Khatun
Four new records of Acrocarpous mosses for Bangladesh
AM Tanmoy, MA Alum, MS Islam, T Farzana and H Khan
Jute (Corchorus olitorius var. O-72) stem lignin: variation in content with age
Mustafa Korkmaz, Zennettin Alpaslan, Nevzat Turgut and Veli Ilhan
Ethnobotanical aspects of some geophytes from Ergan mountain, Turkey
AK Parihar, GP Dixit, V Pathak and D Singh
Assessment of the genetic components and trait associations in diverse set of fieldpea (Pisum sativum L.) genotypes
Mustafa Korkmaz Zennettin Alpaslan, Nevzat Turgut And Veli Ilhan
Ethnobotanical Aspects of some geophytes from Ergan Mountain, Turkey
SK Chouhan, AK Singh, Aparajita Singh, SP Singh, NK Singh and PK Singh
Agro-morphological diversity in wild rice accessions of Eastern Indo-gangetic region of India
Melahat Ozcan and Ozgur Eminagaoglu
Stem and leaf anatomy of three taxa in Lamiaceae
Short Communications
Amal A Asran and Heba I Mohamed
Use of phenols, peroxidase, and polyphenoloxidase of seed to quantify resistance of cotton genotypes to Fusarium Wilt disease
Pushpraj Singh, IM Khan, Smita Singh, RK Tiwari, UN Shukla and Phiji Philip
Performance of physiological basis of rice hybrids under system of rice cultivation
Uttam Chandel, BS Mankotia and KS Thakur
Assesment of recombinant lines of maize hybrids for inbred development
Kalu Ram and RS Meena
Evaluation of pearl millet and mungbean intercropping systems in arid region of Rajasthan (India)
Quadri Javeed Ahmad Peer, Haroon Rashid, Sheikh Muzaffar Ahmad and MH Chesti
Post harvest management of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) in sub-tropical zone of Jammu division
Gerardo Vázquez-Marrufo, MA Soledad Vázquez-Garcidueñas and Irum Mukhtar
Uromyces euphorbiae on Euphorbia hirta L. from Guerreroand Michoacan (Mexico): First report
The Society gratefully acknowledges the financial support received from the Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh and the University of Dhaka towards the publication of this Journal.