Bangladesh Botanical Society was established in 1972. Professor Dr. Md. Abul Bashar is the present President and Professor Dr. Ashfaque Ahmed is the current Secretary General of the society. The total number of members is over 2975 of which 541 are life members. The society is regularly publishing popular articles in one issue of Bengali journal named "Udvid Barta" and scientific articles in four issues of Bangladesh Journal of Botany.
(Bangladesh J. Bot.)
Vol. 46
No. 4
2017 December
Md Sarafat Ali, Dong-Won Bae, Jae Gyu Park and Kwang-Hyun Baek
Characterization of hormone levels and accumulation of free amino acids in <i>Clpc1</i> and <i>Clpc2 Arabidopsis</i> Heynh. in Holl & Heynh. Mutants
Anil Kumar Singh, N Bhakta and Manibhushan
Diversity analysis of faba bean (<i>Vicia faba</i> L.) germplasm of Bihar using agro-morphological characteristics
Shiwei Song, Lingyan Yi, Yunna Zhu, Houcheng Liu, Guangwen S un and Riyuan Chen
Effects of ammonium and nitrate ratios on plant growth, nitrate concentration and nutrient uptake in flowering Chinese cabbage
Ahmad-Reza Mehrabian, Mahnaz Arabameri and Samira Sadeghi
Stigma morphology in <i>Onosma</i> spp. (Boraginaceae) with emphasis on its systematics implication in Iran
Ghazala Javed, Syed Abdul Majid, Shazia Khatoon and Aneela Ulfat
Biochemical and nutritional evaluation of <i>Ficus palmata</i> Forssk. fruits from different ecotype population
Md Mehraz, Parveen Rashid, Rifat Samad and JL Karmoker
Effects of phosphorus deficiency on ion transport and its correlation with anatomical structure in wheat (<i>Triticum aestivum</i> L.) seedlings
Azizuddin and Aneela Qadeer
Physico-chemical and antioxidant evaluation of <i>Daucus carota</i> L.
Ning Yang, Dongsheng Zou, Manyuan Yang, Meiyun Fu and Zhonggui Lin
Effects of vegetation restoration in purplish soil hilly land on soil microbial characteristics and enzyme activities
Mahdi Zare, Majid Shokrpour and Seyedeh Elaheh Hashemi Nejad
Correlation and path coefficient analysis in wheat (<i>Triticum aestivum</i> L.) under various drought stress conditions
AR Ladan Moghadam
GC/MS analyses for detection and idetification of antioxidant constituents of <i>Achillea millefolium</i> L. essential oil
Uzma Bashir, Arshad Javaid and Rukhsana Bajwa
Effects of aquous extracts of sunflower (<i>Helianthus annuus</i> L.) on germination of seedling growth on the selected wheat (<i>Triticum aestivum</i> L.) varieties
Yanwen Yang, Yuantong Jiang and Lianxue Zhang
Comparative analysis of ginsenosides in different growth ages and parts of Asian ginseng (<i>Panax ginseng</i> C.A. Meyer) and American ginseng (<i>Panax quinquefolius</i> L.)
Tabinda Jabeen, Robina Kausar and Azhar Hussain Shah
Development of low cost protocol for micropropagation of <i>Solanum tuberosum</i> L.
N Naher, S Shamsi, Md Rawshan Ali and MA Bashar
Variation in cultural characteristics, mycelial compatibility and pathogenic potentiality among the isolates of <i>Sclerotinia sclerotiorum</i> (Lib.) De Bary the causal agents of stem rot of mustard (<i>Brassica</i> spp.)
Marina Ž Jušković, Perica J Vasiljević, Ana V Savić, Gordana M Tomović and Branka M Stevanović
Comparative anatomy of leaves and stems of <i>Daphne oleoides</i> Schreb. (Thymelaeaceae)
Hosam O Elansary and Diaa O El-Ansary
Trinexapac-ethyl application enhanced physiological performance of <i>Prunus persica</i> (L.) Batsch. under drought conditions
Md Zahurul Haque, Md Mahbubar Rahman, Umma Fatema Shahjadee, Md Mashiar Rahman, Anjum Zerin Rupa and Md Abdul Jalil
Amino acids, enzyme activity and effect of chemical agents, metallic salts on the stability of α-amylase and protease from <i>Aloe barbadensis</i> Miller
Nahid Sultana, M Oliur Rahman, Faiza Tahia, Md Abul Hassan and Mohammad A Rashid
Antioxidant, cytotoxicity and antimicrobial activities of <i>Aphanamixis polystachya</i> (Wall.) R. N. Parker
Tahsin Khan, Md Atiq Mahbub, Shawon Mitra, Naim Mustafa Ali, Apu Biswas, Tahmina Islam and Mihir Lal Saha
Rhizosphere associated bacteria and soil physico-chemical properties of tea garden
SK Sarkar and MK Uddin
Integrated effects of nitrogen, phosphorus and co-digested bioslurry on growth and yield of <i>Zea mays</i> L.
Mahin Mohid and Abdul Aziz
<i>Pseudochlorella encapsulata</i> sp. nov. (Chlorophyceae) from Mahagoni bark, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Short Communications
SM Shamsuzzaman, Masuda Begum, Mm Hanafi, AW Samsuri, H Mohd Saud and Nur Maisarah Jantan
Effects of nitrification inhibitor with organic manure and urea-n on nutrient accumulation and yield of MR219 rice in acid sulphate soil
Handan Çulal Kiliç, Gözde Ürgen and Nejla Yardimci
Greenhouse tomato crops affected by viruses in the west Mediterranean region of Turkey
Deng Chun-Nuan and Fan Tao
Responses of photosystem I and Ii activities of Microsorum pteropus Blume to Pb<sup>2+</sup> toxicity
The Society gratefully acknowledges the financial support received from the Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh and the University of Dhaka towards the publication of this Journal.